Tag Archives: nutrition

I’m not an angry person, really.

26 Jul

That’s why I haven’t updated this blog since the silverware incident. There hasn’t been anything to rant about, really. REALLY. I know you don’t believe me (BECKY) but it’s true. But just to tide you over (BECKY), here are some things that I do not like…

Sick dogs. Especially when they are old. And mine. I know they can’t live forever but I don’t want to accept it. I have never seen Belle NOT react when we fill her dish with food before, and it’s frankly scary. But at least she has been eating. So, I’m hoping that it’s not serious. But she’s eleven. It wouldn’t be crazy for her to have terminal cancer (which is definitely a Thing I Do Not Like). But I hope she doesn’t. The vet wants a second opinion and will have it for us on Wednesday, so… positive thinking FTW!

People who I think I like telling me they think Conan O’Brien is obnoxious. This is stupid of me. People are entitled to their opinions, however much I disagree. Also, Conan even calls himself an ass all the time. But then I’m like, ‘If they think Conan is obnoxious, then what do they think of me? I’m the girl who loves obnoxious people? Do they think I’m just a stupid punk youngster who doesn’t know anything? Are they right? Am I really a worthless and pointless human being?’ WHY THE FUCK CAN’T I TURN MY BRAIN OFF?! It’s clearly defective. At least I’ve gone through enough counseling to know that this is an unhealthy and stupid train of thought, and I don’t hate myself anymore, yadda yadda. But I can’t help feeling two inches tall, just for a moment, when someone who I previously had no conflict with calls Conan O’Brien obnoxious.

I just drank an entire bottle of Woodchuck cider in like 5 minutes. I was planning on savoring it. OH WELL.

I have only had like one serving each of fruit and dairy since last Tuesday. Just because I have Celiac doesn’t mean I eat exclusively gluten-free grains, people who were feeding me. (Related — Thing I Like: Grocery shopping)

Awkward silences, of the non-hilarious and long-lasting variety.

Stating the obvious. Repeating the obvious and already-known. Things of this nature. It’s an INTP thing, which can cause problems for me. Saying things that we both know, or should know, doesn’t really count as a conversation, and it is silly and inane and pointless, and wasted breath. If you’re not going to give me new information, then amuse me. If you can’t do either, don’t say anything at all. God, I am such a bitch. But let me give you an example of somebody who agrees with me:

Thanks, Randall Munroe. Thanks for having my back.

Anyway, that’s all from me today, and I hope I have something to be happy about on Wednesday!